Saturday, June 12, 2010


Willow and Jaden Smith

So there was a bit a chirp about how avant garde The Smith children were dressed, more so the chirp was geared at Willow Smith. But I love it! My neice who is 9 yrs old, Loves to dress herself and has her own idea of what is HAUTE. Sometimes I consult with her about what I should wear.  Go Figure!

Fashion is what you feel and it's not a passion that starts when you hit your teens or 20's. Salute!
Fashion at every age. 
Stylist or not.



Ain HD said...

I love that they're letting little Willow express herself. It's no different from the parents who allow their kids to wear Tutus and Superman costumes to school. If you stifle kids, they grow up with an identity defined by popular culture. I say kudos to Willow for being a leader and trendsetter :-)

Goldi gold said...

I think it's dope also. at least that look. if she was rocking crazy make up and a see thru mini skirt. The we would've happen problems!!!